Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ratatouille (Rat-a-too-ee)

A movie about Remy the cute little chef rat who lives in Paris, wants to be a cook and has an adorable fat brother Emile. He's a special rat who can taste good food from garbage (all rats in the colony loves garbage food). He accidently gets a cookbook by master chef Gusteau whose motto is "Anyone Can Cook" and has imaginery visions of Gusteau after his death because of a bad critic by Anton Ego. He gets himself to Gusteau's restaurant and discovers he can control Gusteau's son Linguini (who cant cook for nuts) movement by using his hair to cook. With Remy as cook, Gusteau's restaurant gets great reviews and attracts Anton Ego who is determine to critic the restaurant to its ground. But Remy, with the help of the whole rat colony, conjours the best Ratatouille (a simple traditional french stewed vegetable dish with tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, garlic, onions, pepper and basil) which reminds Anton Ego of his mum's cooking. Ego writes a great review and ends up opening a restaurant La Ratatouille with Remy as head chef. A very entertaining animation movie and the rat is sooo cute!

An example of a ratatouille:

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