Life is like a rollercoaster, a challenging ride of ups & downs that will make you stronger when you no longer fear it
the KFC mashed potato famous bowl of everything on the menu all thrown into 1 bowl - i wonder when KFC Malaysia is going to introduce this ... did u know the mashed potato bowl with gravy is the fattest item on the KFC menu! yummy isn't it? layers of flavor = layers of fat :p
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5:13 pm
Reading gossip girl series - would i lie to you
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No wonder I so fat !!!!
yesterday ... sigh yesterday..
I ordered a dinner plate and a large whipped potato... sigh.. then use the whipped potato as the sauce for my dinner plate..
so much for dieting uncle taki!
wah ... actually i love the whipped potato too! how? we are trapped in the whipped potato world
steph, taki's so called diet has been ON for ages ler, not much effect la, so no diff ler..haha
I'm a potato lover man...
I can't stop..
i'm damn into potatoes and sweet corns... dunno why... also ice creams.. arghhhh
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